Smart mobility

Digitalizing transportation paves the way for a better future

The digitalization of mobility has clear objectives: a safer, greener, and smoother transportation system. The growing integration of traffic technology and ICT demands strong cross-sector collaboration.

Pyörä ja auto kaupunkiliikenteessä
Kaksi pyöräilijää kaupungissa, taustalla linja-auto

Urban mobility is undergoing a transformation

The future of sustainable urban mobility is based on efficient public transport, human-powered mobility, the electrification of traffic, and private sector mobility services. The goal is seamless multimodal transportation.

Achieving this goal requires new technological solutions. Areas to be developed include the exchange of data and situational awareness between different modes of transport and innovators, traffic automation, electric powertrains, and micro-mobility services.

Ajoneuvot lähettävät toisilleen signaaleja liikenteessä.

Call for cybersecurity

In the future, travelers and vehicles will communicate with their environment and adjust their behavior accordingly. The operation of the transportation system will rely on data, which creates an accurate situational awareness.

Cybersecurity plays a central role in this development. In the EU, the NIS 2 Directive sets new requirements for the operation of technical systems and data management.

Smart mobility technology expert

Nodeon offers top-tier expertise in Finland’s largest traffic infrastructure projects, excellent industry networks, and a deep understanding of traffic engineering challenges. We combine this with strong and broad technological expertise to provide efficient and sustainable solutions.

We solve technology challenges by leveraging our expertise in ICT technologies, cybersecurity, automation, electricity and lighting, as well as traffic flow analysis and traffic data management.

Our services for Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility is a key sector for Nodeon, with our experts having over 25 years of experience in the field. We offer comprehensive expert services to support the development and digitalization of mobility and transportation systems.

Would you like to hear more?

Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Ilkka Tuunanen

Ilkka Tuunanen

+358 40 5260 953

Our work

Ihmisiä lenkkeilee ja pyöräilee kaupungin keskustassa, taustalla linja-auto

Kuopio develops traffic situational awareness

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Nodeonin suunnitteleman, lumihiutaleen muotoisen valoteoksen esittely Valon kaupunki seminaarissa.

Nodeon is Jyväskylä’s trusted partner in outdoor lighting design

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Nodeonin asiantuntijoita toimistossa

Nodeon contributed to new tunnel guidelines

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Ilmakuva Jyväskylän Lutakon alueesta

Telecommunications play a significant role in future smart cities

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Nodeonin suunnittelijat piirtävät kartalle

Nodeon designs technical solutions for Lahti Southern Ring Road

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Länsimetron liityntäpysäköintialue

From where do people come to the park-and-ride areas?

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konseptikuva tulevaisuuden Hippoksen alueesta

Analyzing traffic flows supports regional development in Jyväskylä

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