C-ITS solutions

Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) improves the efficiency and safety of mobility.

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informed road users

C-ITS solutions enable communication between vehicles as well as between vehicles and infrastructure, with the goal of creating a more efficient and safer transportation system.

These solutions provide real-time alerts of hazardous traffic situations and conditions, as well as traffic light priority for public transport and emergency vehicles.

Design and implementation of C-ITS solutions

Despite the youth of the C-ITS industry, Nodeon has extensive experience in international research, national studies, and implementing solutions in real traffic environments. We provide the C-ITS solutions and expert services you need to bring your ideas to life.

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Long-range C-ITS solutions

UtilizE mobile and IP networks in solution implementation

Long-range C-ITS solutions are extensive systems that enable communication between infrastructure and vehicles through backend systems installed on servers, as well as IP and mobile networks.

Nodeon Asgard for C-ITS services

Offering long-range solutions requires C-ITS central units that centrally handle message transmission between actors, as well as service providers that integrate with these units to deliver C-ITS services to end users.

Nodeon Asgard C-ITS Service Provider enables connectivity to C-ITS central units and facilitates the transmission of C-ITS service messages over IP networks to their users.

Situational awareness as part of C-ITS services

Our strong expertise in identification technologies and situational awareness enables the creation of situational awareness to be transmitted to C-ITS central units.

The situational awareness can be transmitted in the form of real-time traffic data via Nodeon Asgard products, for example, from traffic light-controlled intersections or highways.

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Nodeon Asgard C-ITS Users

Offer C-ITS services to end user

Nodeon Asgard C-ITS Users enables the reception and use of real-time C-ITS messages (such as traffic hazards, traffic light status, etc.) by vehicle drivers.

Nodeon Asgard C-ITS use cases

The use cases for C-ITS services have been defined by the European Commission and the C-Roads Cooperation Platform, which promotes the deployment of C-ITS systems across Europe. These services will be implemented through European-wide collaboration, utilizing the Day 1.0 and Day 1.5 services.

  • C-ITS services provided from the cloud (connecting to the messaging systems formed by C-ITS central units in long-range solutions)
  • Nodeon Asgard mobile application for receiving C-ITS messages over mobile networks and delivering C-ITS services to the customer
  • Traffic light status info and status changes (Time-To-Green)
  • Optimal approach speed at traffic light-controlled intersections (GLOSA, Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory)
  • New C-ITS services will be added to the C-ITS Asgard User product as they become more widely available.
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Short-range solutions

solutions for implementing short-range C-ITS

Short-range solutions operate using separate data transfer devices installed in the infrastructure and vehicles. These devices enable direct communication with minimal latency through radio technologies.

Commsignia short-range C-ITS solutions

Nodeon represents the products of the Hungarian short-range solutions device manufacturer Commsignia. Commsignia offers devices for installation on the roadside units (RSU) and on-board units (OBU). The devices operate with ITS-G5 and C-V2X technologies and support message encryption in accordance with European security and certification policies (CCMS, PKI).

Commsignia RSU and OBU device use cases

  • Equipping location-specific safety solutions with C-ITS message relay support (e.g., areas near schools and daycares)
  • Protecting vulnerable road users (VRU) at intersections
  • Equipping emergency vehicles with OBU devices to request traffic light priority from other vehicles or traffic lights.
  • Implementing large-scale C-ITS solutions, such as equipping highways with RSU devices.

Would you like to hear more?

Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Timo Majala

Timo Majala

+358 40 7511 790


Our work

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