The light rail creates growth for Vantaa

Data networks Smart City Smart Mobility

Ratikan näköinen infotaulu kertoo ohikulkijoille tietoa Vantaan ratikkahankkeesta.

The light rail is not only a transportation project for Vantaa but also a significant urban development project. It supports the city’s strategy by increasing the area’s attractiveness, facilitating mobility and accessibility, and promoting regional well-being, employment, and sustainability.

A light rail is being constructed in Vantaa, with operations scheduled to begin in 2029. It will connect the city’s easternmost parts to the rail network, enabling sustainable urban growth along public transportation routes. The project involves the design and construction of a 19-kilometer tramway and stops, traffic lanes, bicycle paths, sidewalks, and underground infrastructure.

Nodeon served as the designer and consultant for the light rail’s telecommunications network during the preliminary and general planning phases of the project. Rail transportation is filled with technology that requires a reliable telecommunications network to function. This technology ensures the safe and smooth movement of trams within the city.

“The role of telecommunications in infrastructure projects becomes more prominent when the aim is to improve the functionality of traffic and transportation. Reliable telecommunications are essential for, for example, effective traffic signal prioritization and incident management. Nodeon has extensive experience in telecommunications design for traffic projects at various planning phases.”

Heikki Alkila, Traffic Engineer, City of Vantaa

Nodeon’s telecommunications expertise serves intelligent mobility

Nodeon’s tasks in the project included identifying the telecommunications needs of stakeholders, designing the network architecture, creating the conceptual design for both passive and active networks, and developing technical equipment diagrams.

In addition to the Vantaa light rail project, Nodeon has previously designed and implemented a telecommunications network for the traffic management system and inter-device communication in the Helsinki Jokeri 2 public transport tunnel. Furthermore, Nodeon is involved in the SmartRail cooperation network, which develops and researches smart mobility solutions connected to trams in the Lyyli Living Lab testing environment.

“It has been extremely interesting to participate in the general planning of Vantaa’s light rail project,” says Juha Teräslahti, Nodeon’s Head of Telecommunication. “The scale of the project, its geographical extent, and the number of stakeholders make the design challenging and set a high standard to our work. The light rail’s telecommunications network is also closely linked to Vantaa’s roadside technology network, from which Nodeon has past experience in its maintenance operations. This facilitated the general planning, as we already had a good grasp of the site.”

Explore Nodeon’s telecommunications design services

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Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Juha Teräslahti

Juha Teräslahti

+358 40 621 0403

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