Nodeon contributed to new tunnel guidelines

Electrical engineering

Nodeonin asiantuntijoita toimistossa

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (Väylävirasto) has published new design guidelines for the electrical systems of road tunnels. These guidelines cover the planning and operational management of road tunnels. Nodeon served as an expert in assessing the need for updates and additions to the tunnel guidelines and was responsible for drafting the content of the new guidelines.

The purpose of the guidelines is to standardize and clarify the implementation of electrical systems in road tunnels constructed in Finland, reducing the need for project-specific specifications. The aim is to guide the design process toward safe and lifecycle-efficient solutions for the operation and maintenance of road tunnels.

Nodeon’s expertise across multiple technical disciplines — electricity, data networks, automation, software, and lighting — combined with extensive experience in challenging environments, provides an excellent foundation for delivering comprehensive expert and design services that account for interdependencies.

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Markku Pakarinen

Markku Pakarinen

+358 40 5960 233

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