Ideapark achieves deeper customer insights through traffic flow measurement

Smart Mobility

Ideaparkin parkkialue täynnä autoja

Ideapark shopping center attracts up to 7 million visitors annually, and 99% of them arrive by car. Nodeon implemented traffic flow analysis for Ideapark in Lempäälä.

Nodeon’s traffic flow measurement and customer analytics service provided data on where customers (vehicles, at a postal code level) come from, how long they stay, how often they visit, etc. This information is valuable for targeted marketing and assessing its effectiveness, as well as the overall development of Ideapark.

Traffic was measured and analyzed during the week before the winter holiday period (a typical week) and during three consecutive winter holiday weeks.

“The analysis confirmed our own observations but also yielded new, surprising information about customer behavior.”

Visa Vainiola, Shopping Center Manager, Ideapark

Ideapark’s Shopping Center Manager Visa Vainiola is very pleased with the results:

“The outcome exceeded our expectations. We clearly obtained deeper customer insights tailored to our needs, along with deeper analytics. The analysis confirmed our own observations but also yielded new, surprising information about customer behavior.”

“Nodeon knows how to listen to the customer”

As a result of the project, many good ideas emerged on how the service could be further developed in the future. Both parties are eager to continue the collaboration with fixed measurements during the upcoming summer. The preparations began immediately.

Asiakkaita Ideaparkin kauppakeskuksessa, etualalla mies lastenvaunujen kanssa.
Ideapark specifically studied the changes in customer flows caused by the winter holiday season.

Vainiola gives praise not only for the results of the measurement but also for the entire project management, starting from the initial contact:

“I had no prior knowledge of Nodeon, but this has been the best project I’ve ever been involved in. We have agreed to continue our collaboration. I absolutely recommend Nodeon to anyone with similar needs.”

“The whole process went extremely smoothly right from the first contact. Nodeon’s sales director reached out and was an extremely skilled salesperson. I’m known to be a bit difficult to schedule meetings with, but he convinced me right away,” Vainiola laughs.

“They really know how to listen to the customer, truly. I receive dozens of calls a day, and I can say that 90 percent of companies lack that skill. Communication with both of Nodeon’s contacts was extremely easy, efficient, and they always got straight to the point,” Vainiola concludes.

Explore our services for traffic flow measurement and analysis

Would you like to hear more?

Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Timo Majala

Timo Majala

+358 40 7511 790

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