Analyzing traffic flows supports regional development in Jyväskylä

Smart City Smart Mobility

konseptikuva tulevaisuuden Hippoksen alueesta

Analyzing traffic flows aids in planning the future of Jyväskylä’s Hippos area: where the traffic originates, how much of it is local, and the volume of heavy traffic in the area.

Originating from a racetrack, Jyväskylä’s Hippos is now one of the most significant centers for sports and high-performance athletics in Finland. The area is home to the Finnish Institute of High Performance Sport KIHU and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä, the only university-level institution for sport sciences in Finland.

Jyväskylä continues to develop the Hippos area. The goal of the Hippos2020 project is to make the area the most important center for sports and well-being in the Nordic countries. During the project, almost all properties and structures in the area will be renovated.

Työmiehet asentamassa laitekaappia
The installation of a movable measurement station underway at Hippos.

Valuable information for regional planning

Nodeon provided the City of Jyväskylä with a traffic flow measurement and analysis service to support regional planning. The focus of the study was the current use of the area: morning rush hours, points of origin, and traffic volumes during events such as JyP ice hockey games.

The goal of the study is to obtain new insights into the area’s traffic flows to improve its usage and traffic arrangements.

The analysis reveals, among other things, the origins of the traffic in the area, the frequency of the traffic, and the volume of vans and heavy vehicles. Traffic measurement can also determine the amount of through traffic and its environmental impacts.

Explore our services for traffic flow measurement and analysis

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Timo Majala

Timo Majala

+358 40 7511 790

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