Infrastructure and digitalization

Digitalizing infrastructure enables new services

Smart infrastructure paves the way for future innovations while ensuring the safe and efficient utilization of technologies.

Kaupunkimaisema, kaduilla kulkee sekaliikennettä busseista polkupyöriin, autoihin ja jalankulkijoihin.
Nainen käyttää älykästä pyöräparkin sovellusta, taustalla kaupunkipyöriä.

Digitalization of infrastructure

The digitalization of infrastructure is driven by the rapid connectivity of devices to networks, advancements in data transfer solutions, improved data analysis, and the utilization of AI. This enables the emergence of new innovations, streamlined processes, and smarter management tools.

Digitalizing infrastructure, like technological development in general, demands adaptation. As new information becomes available to enhance processes and support decision-making, advanced knowledge work skills and a culture of data-driven decision-making becomes vital.

Iltamaisema kaupungin ja tieliikennesillan yli, taustalla dataa kuvaavaa grafiikkaa.

Smart infrastructure is a heavy user of IoT

Smart infrastructure systems are typically widely distributed, often nationwide or even global data collection solutions. These systems use the situational awareness created from collected data to manage and control processes.

Such solutions require specialized expertise from technology providers, focusing on data collection technologies and protocols, data transfer, and data storage solutions.

Solving the tech challenges of digitalizing infrastructure

Nodeon has experience with over a thousand smart infrastructure technology projects. Our expertise in demanding infrastructure environments, combined with our broad technical expertise, provides the keys to your project’s success.

With our expertise in software, IoT, automation, telecommunications, electricity, and cybersecurity, we help drive your project to success. IoT has been a core area of expertise for Nodeon since its beginning.

Our services for digitalizing infrastructure

Nodeon provides deep technological expertise and expert services, supporting every stage of your challenging infrastructure or digitalization project.

We develop solutions tailored to your specific needs. Many of our development projects have resulted from discussions with clients that help clarify the needs and identify the most suitable solution.

Would you like to hear more?

Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Joel Kuusela

Joel Kuusela

+358 40 5867 134

Our work

Ihmisiä lenkkeilee ja pyöräilee kaupungin keskustassa, taustalla linja-auto

Kuopio develops traffic situational awareness

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Nodeonin suunnitteleman, lumihiutaleen muotoisen valoteoksen esittely Valon kaupunki seminaarissa.

Nodeon is Jyväskylä’s trusted partner in outdoor lighting design

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Nodeonin asiantuntijoita toimistossa

Nodeon contributed to new tunnel guidelines

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Ilmakuva Jyväskylän Lutakon alueesta

Telecommunications play a significant role in future smart cities

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Nodeonin suunnittelijat piirtävät kartalle

Nodeon designs technical solutions for Lahti Southern Ring Road

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Länsimetron liityntäpysäköintialue

From where do people come to the park-and-ride areas?

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konseptikuva tulevaisuuden Hippoksen alueesta

Analyzing traffic flows supports regional development in Jyväskylä

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