
Roads and streets

Road and street environments have evolved from traditional infrastructure projects into increasingly complex initiatives that combine infrastructure and ICT expertise.

Kaupunkiin suuntautuvaa liikennettä
liikenneväyliä ylhäältäpäin kuvattuna

Integrated technologies

Road and street technology projects are challenging due to environmental conditions, long distances, and the collaboration of multiple stakeholders from various engineering disciplines and contractors.

In design and implementation projects, various companies integrate multiple technologies, which requires technology providers to have a solid understanding of the environment and strong integration skills.

Top-tier expertise in road and street technology projects

Nodeon has deep roots in the design and development of technical systems and ICT for roads and streets. Our expertise dates back to the 1990s, when the number of technologies in road and street environments began to grow significantly.

We have been involved in nearly all major road and street projects in Finland that include technical systems. This gives us the country’s broadest expertise and experience in delivering services for this sector. Our goal is to make road and street environments smarter by offering integrated solutions that combine multiple technologies.

Our services

We offer comprehensive and high-quality expert and design services for technical systems in road and street environments, including software, control systems, and traffic measurements.

We provide expert support at every stage of a project, from preliminary design to implementation and maintenance.

Would you like to hear more?

Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Ilkka Tuunanen

Ilkka Tuunanen

+358 40 5260 953


Our work

Ihmisiä lenkkeilee ja pyöräilee kaupungin keskustassa, taustalla linja-auto

Kuopio develops traffic situational awareness

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Nodeonin suunnitteleman, lumihiutaleen muotoisen valoteoksen esittely Valon kaupunki seminaarissa.

Nodeon is Jyväskylä’s trusted partner in outdoor lighting design

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Nodeonin asiantuntijoita toimistossa

Nodeon contributed to new tunnel guidelines

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Ilmakuva Jyväskylän Lutakon alueesta

Telecommunications play a significant role in future smart cities

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Nodeonin suunnittelijat piirtävät kartalle

Nodeon designs technical solutions for Lahti Southern Ring Road

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Länsimetron liityntäpysäköintialue

From where do people come to the park-and-ride areas?

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konseptikuva tulevaisuuden Hippoksen alueesta

Analyzing traffic flows supports regional development in Jyväskylä

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