

Traditional rail transport is rapidly modernizing with the advancement of digitalization.

Juna saapumassa asemalle.
Juna digitaalisena gridinä.

Digitalization shapes railways

Technological advancement and digitalization are driving the development of rail transport. As Europe moves toward greater compatibility in rail control and safety systems across countries (ERTMS), automation and digitalization are driving the industry towards fully autonomous operations.

The rail sector faces the same challenges as other smart infrastructure: ensuring cybersecurity, promoting sustainable development, and seamlessly integrating ICT with traditional technologies.

Tampereen raitiovaunu liikenteessä.

Trams challenge urban planning

Tramway projects are complex urban planning undertakings that require effective management of space and street areas, as well as the smooth flow of traffic and intermodal coordination.

From a technology perspective, successful tramway planning demands an understanding of the compatibility of multiple technical systems and the integration of electrical, data networks, and lighting systems into the broader urban infrastructure.

Developer of future rail transport

As experts in smart mobility, we are actively involved in the development of rail transport digitalization and automation. Nodeon is part of the Finnish SmartRail ecosystem, which promotes the integration of rail transport into other urban mobility solutions, new service innovations, and tools for implementing autonomous trams.

Nodeon is also an experienced provider of urban planning services, with extensive experience in the design of automation, electricity, and telecommunications in urban rail transport environments.

Our services

We work in expert roles at all stages of the project, from preliminary planning to programming and maintenance.

Choose the services that best suit your needs for your rail transport project.

Would you like to hear more?

Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Timo Majala

Timo Majala

+358 40 7511 790


Our work

Ihmisiä lenkkeilee ja pyöräilee kaupungin keskustassa, taustalla linja-auto

Kuopio develops traffic situational awareness

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Nodeonin suunnittelijat piirtävät kartalle

Nodeon designs technical solutions for Lahti Southern Ring Road

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Länsimetron liityntäpysäköintialue

From where do people come to the park-and-ride areas?

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konseptikuva tulevaisuuden Hippoksen alueesta

Analyzing traffic flows supports regional development in Jyväskylä

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Ideaparkin parkkialue täynnä autoja

Ideapark achieves deeper customer insights through traffic flow measurement

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Liikennettä Helsingin Uspenskin katedraalin edustalla

Helsinki modernizes traffic measurement solutions

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